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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan review

As, by far, my most disliked and worst movie I have ever sat through. There was one funny scene (in the elevator) and the best after that was boring. The majority of the movie wasn't stupidly offensive, it was just offensive. It did not even rise to level of stupid.
Really really hated this movie. Worst ever.

Most Enjoyable Movie Ever

I seriously cannot even think a nit to pick. Well, maybe the gratuitous underwear scene from Sigourney at the end but ... who's to pick.
This movie was far far better than the original (Alien) and probably is the best sequel movie ever.

Knives Out review

The story was crisp. The cast of characters was the best part. I have never really liked the work of Christopher Plummer or Don Johnson. But both were perfect for their roles and played them extremely well. The main characters (Jamie Lee Curtis), the side kicks (Noah Segan, Trooper Wagner), everyone all contributed to the production.
I heard the movie was like an Agatha Christie mystery, but it was much better than that. Christie mysteries were always too arcane, too convoluted or needed a clue that was impossible to guess / know. This mystery was quite good, it was not simplistic, it was not too unfathomable.
The one I did like the most is Daniel Craig's Southern accent. It was incongruous. But mysteries are supposed to have an incongruous component. This movie had two, the mystery and why the heck does Daniel Craig have a Southern accent?

Anna and the Apocalypse review

As advertised, it's a High School coming of age, Apocalyptic, Christmas, Zombie, Musical. Yes, it really is. The interesting part of the movie is that with all the distractions, it was still about the trials of leaving school, friends, starting a new life. The movie stays faithful and realistic to the end. Surprising amount of charm.
The actors were good, the musical numbers quite enjoyable, the plot reasonable in the first half and lost it's way in the second half. A too over-the-top crazy character took over and it did run as well.
Ella Hunt as Anna and Malcolm Cumming as John were very good as friends / he wanting to be more than friends. This was set up well leading to a well acted scene that set the boundaries for the two essentially ending the first half of the movie.
Good scene but not a happy scene. Realistic but cruel. I don't know what a woman is supposed to do when her actual real "Best Friend" desperately wants more. It's probably an unsolvable problem. But oh my God, the "You're my best friend" hurts more than you can know. Spoiler Alert: It's not too far off the mark to say John dies from heartbreak.
The less than stellar 2nd half did bring the overall recommendation down quite a bit. Overall it better to watch than not watch it. If you're on a plane, watch it.

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"This is a very good list and was extremely well done. Good separation of Genres and good choices within. There will always be quibbles but kudos are better Here are mine: Animation - Excellent choice"
“I rarely leave negative reviews. There are enough critics in the world. But this movie holds a special place ...
As, by far, my most disliked and worst movie I have ever sat through. There was one funny scene (in the elevator) and the best after that was boring. The majority of the mov” read more
“This remains, to this day, the most enjoyable movie I have ever watched. Not necessarily the "Best" movie (sorry to be cliche, but that is Casablanca) but unquestionable the most enjoyable. There hasn't ever been another movie that has gotten close.
I seriously cannot even think a nit to” read more

"This is an excellent List. One of the most interesting. Suggested additions: Colored mountain of China Victoria Falls Southern Africa"

"I visited these mountains in North Central China last year. It was a long haul to get there. As expected, the colors were not nearly as vibrant as shown, but the landscape was certainly extremely in"
“I enjoyed this movie quite a bit, probably more than most people. I enjoyed Daniel Craig producing a somewhere between pretty good and humorously bad Southern accent.
The story was crisp. The cast of characters was the best part. I have never really liked the work of Christopher Plummer” read more
“I watched Anna and the Apocalypse on a plane, not the best way to watch a movie. But for a plane movie, it was quite entertaining.
As advertised, it's a High School coming of age, Apocalyptic, Christmas, Zombie, Musical. Yes, it really is. The interesting part of the movie is that with ” read more